
Showing posts from November, 2017

Welcome to MADAMNATION...


Welcome to MADAMNATION...

MADAMNATION #37/ The Real Mommy Dearest [PART TWO] CONTINUATION Delete repeated word this visit to the Emergency Room of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the child could hold on no longer. She died as the doctors all stood dumbfounded as to what was on the mother's mind to not bring her daughter in for immediate treatment to such a serious open wound, but instead would just hand stitch a wig over it. Thus, adding more pain & aguish to the scenario by the use of a household sewing needed & thread in order to make over 300 stitching's connecting the wig to scalp? Authorities were enraged as they pursued the maximum punishment of the law, THE DEATH PENALTY! Along with Margo's arrest, her husband was also hauled off to the county jail for the charge of conspiracy, for what father could not have known what was happening underneath his own roof. But he professed his innocence to such a heinous deed performed by his wife & step son while h

Welcome to MADAMNATION...

MADAMNATION #36/ The Real Mommy Dearest [PART ONE] {Welcome to what I from here on will call these type of entertaining entries on my blog...The Jail House Rumor & Gossip Mill...[TJHR&GM]← Look for this acronym in Titles to better identify them} Well my little children of the Dam, be glad I am that of a loving mother to My Dam Nation... For this next entry will curl your toes & having you thankful that Mrs. Margo Garabitio was not your Wicked Step Mother. For this Spanish Mommy was anything but loving to her poor little Step Daughter. I'm sure you've all seen the Cult Classic "Mommy Dearest" staring Joan Crawford back in the 80's. If not, I demand you check it out, & you will never look at a wire hanger the same ever again. Upon my first holiday season incarcerated while at RCF, my county jail, I was roomed with Mrs. Margarita Garabitio, who was fighting her case of Murder in the 1st Degree. It seems she killed her step daughter

Welcome to MADAMNATION...

MADAMNATION #35/ RISE of the "MonStar" It's 5:30 in the morning this early start of Saturday. As the silence in the house is quickly broken while inmates sleep, by that of the screeching night guard's abrupt announcement over the speaker for General Wake Up Call. Something is definitely different today. A difference that everyone immediately pick up on as each half-sleep dorm mate wonders by my room and notice the top bunk empty. Yes, Tae has finally "Left The Building". After nearly 4 years of incarceration, Tae has finally been freed. It's a bitter sweet pill to swallow... I'm missing his morning antics already as he now ventures back out into the Free World in order to concur all his dreams of becoming a Star with his music talents of song writing & singing And believe it or not, I really think that he's definitely got what it takes to make it... as my parting words to him were FOYF Man! {Focus On Your Future}. With all th

Welcome to MADAMNATION...

MADAMNATION /°FYI/#34...To The Contrary with Susan Burton I just viewed an episode of "To The Contrary" on PBS Television Station as I'm getting myself together for the day just before count time, It's 5:30 AM. On the show today, the host sat down with one of the great advocates for Women Reentry back into the community from prison. Susan Burton is an ex-convicted woman herself, who to the look and sound, one would never imagine such an articulate and refined woman would have such a history. Back in 1981, her son KK was killed in an automobile accident by a police officer in route. With no way to cope, she began to self medicate via the Back Street /Black Market methods which inevitably led her to being arrested & convicted for being a menace to the community, thus sentenced to what would become 20 years of on again off again recidivism. During her interview, She went on to explain to the host Bonny, of how there was no resources in her community

Welcome to MADAMNATION...

MADAMNATION #33/Everyone Meet Dae Dae... {NEXT TOP MODEL}... I'm sure you all have stories of a smart, attractive young person with all the great prospects in life's future ahead of them, only to have their fantastic potential side swiped by the notorious slip of the MICKY in their unattended drink. Well thus the story of my dorm mate Dae Dae who was a 4.0 GPA Student just weeks from her graduation date of Pre Med studies. During a pre graduation party, one of her school mates who long to get into her panties as she put it, spiked her drink in order for him & a group of 8 to have their way with her. Against her will, they ganged banged her one after another. Screams of hysteria & rage barely broke through the thumping music in which all others attending the party danced the night away. Well... Dae Dae ain't never been the same since. We're not quite sure why she's been incarcerated, but some says it's for something as trivial as steeling

Welcome to MADAMNATION...

MADAM NATION #31/UPDATE #2 A Meeting In The Ladies Room... UPDATE #2 TO BLOG ENTRY. #21 ...OH BOY! / While sitting here at my desk preparing my latest blog entry... shortly after Yard-Out ending, guess who came to my door asking if he/she could speak to me for a moment in the ladie's room. The dorm house's alpha male "CA$H"! Needless to say... I knew just what was brewing. They've found me out by their tedious due diligence. Through a process of elimination I was told... the only one who could have divulged such info to a person that no one else really talks to like that, and that being Christy Price, my friend from two years back upon my first arriving to SCI-CBS. Thus, the Mole in the house had to be me. if only you all could have seen the "I swallowed the Tweety bird" look of guilt written all over my face. I felt so bad, my conscience was shattered. Thus, I did what any woman of good honor and standing would do. I confessed... Not t

Welcome to MADAMNATION...

MADA MNATION #30/UPDATE #1 The Scandal @Camp Cupcake... So it seems that everyone here on campus is now wondering about MADAMNATION: Blog Entry #21 ...The Late Night Do with the "OH BOY"... And i'm very highly doubting if it's been read out in the Free World that fast and reported back here by an outside source. Thus, I'm beginning to wonder about a friend I sheared the "TEE" with, who must have betrayed my confidence and told others on her unit, which is almost understandable... for I know personally how hard it is to hold a good cup of "HOT TEE" to ones self (in my Wendy Williams Voice...) However, this one cup has now infested the whole campus with the tellings of my Entry #21 prematurely... The campus is all a buzz as the parties involved piece together the facts of just how this juicy info got out and off our unit of only thirty Dorm mates. Ears are popping, and tongues are wagging as they try as hard as they might to find ou