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MADAMNATION #28/ Are Ouija Boards Wicked? ...

I remember the time I got my first Ouija Board. I was 18 years old when I asked my highschool sweetheart Richard to go with me to the toy store in order to purchase the mystifying game.

Upon getting it home, Rich & I quickly learned that this piece of wooden board with letters & number in ornate calligraphy, the panache accessory which had a small window just below it's pointer, & ancient drawings of a sun & half moon on the face of it was anything but a children's game in which it was subtly implied by it being for sale amongst Barbie Dolls & Lego Blocks waiting for any naïve parent to pick up, perhaps for a child's Christmas or Birthday gift.

Darkness & Demonic forces at play, would be the only thing "toying" around your home once this instrument of hell is welcomed in it. Reminiscing back to a candle lit room in my grandparent's home in which I lived in order to care for my aging grandpa just after the death of my grandmother, many of my questions were answered back to me with the seemingly magnetic movement of the panache...

Yes, & No answers where then followed by more detailed spelled out answers with Names, Dates, Locations & even family member's ages of deaths.

To the point of it even letting us know the age my poor Richard would pass on to the afterlife. 24 years old it reported, thus urging Rich to Live It Up with the last 6 years of life he had.

And on course like clock work, just one month after completing my SRS, & prior to my 24 birthday, with Rich's 24th already a few months in...I received the call from Richard's frantic father telling me that Rich was found dead from an overdose of cocaine in his system that stopped his heart.
It seems that in Richard's mission to Live It Up before his Ouija predicted death & never before partaking in drugs, The coke was too much for his heart, & he lie there dead as his partying friends were non the wiser.

Many years I wondered did the Ouija Board predict his death, or did he manifest it to himself because of it?


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