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MADAMNATION #12/ My Secret Society Ties Unveiled...Today I receive an interesting e-mail from a new member of MADAMNATION. Ariel wanted to know if the rumors were indeed true of my ties to one of the High OTO Temples of Philadelphia's Secret Societies/ The Madamic Order? This is indeed a touchy subject with me at present, as I have vowelled to not dabble in anything that might compromise my faith.

However, I must say that I have been contemplating just were my true beliefs lie these days. While trying Christianity, I found myself quickly turned off due to the many contradictions of the faith & that being the foundation of which I pledge to never venture off into the occult any more, I questioned just what grounds would I continue my current pledge on.

I find myself somewhere between the two if there can even be a place in truth. Not the strick structure of a Christian, but not all the way deep into the occult where I once stood.

I've even been reading up on the theory of HUMANISM... however, that believe is steeped in the NON SUPERNATURAL aspect of things , something I very much BELIEVE IN. Humanism is the theory of doing good without God... Meaning, doing good for humanity without the expectation of being repaid in an afterlife.

To learn more About HUMANISM, go to  https://hiphophumanism.ning.com/ &  www.americanhumanist.org.

Thus, I guess I'm still seeking out a religious philosophical mindset to call my own. As of right now, I just have too many questions to be answered before settling into one box. However, I do know that I believe in my Savor that is Jesus Christ, although I am no way near the staunch Christian.

My beliefs are an amalgamations of many beliefs. Dealing in the Secret Social Orders of my past had a belief system established on the doctrines of a BEING not of this Earth.

One (I won't say his name) whom made many of the world's elite question from what origin the Bible's point of view was written. Many in Secret Societies don't believe they've sold their souls, for they believe they are in league with the true god.

I don't anymore.


Welcome to MADAMNATION...

Welcome to MADAMNATION...

Welcome to MADAMNATION...