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MADAMNATION #08/ TRIX for TREATS, & being Gay for the Stay.

Oh how the women get it in, in the Pennsylvania State Pen... Campus life here at SCI-CBS is any thing but the reformatory it was meant to be in the fight & deterrence of crime in Pennsylvania.

More like the wild college life of an all girl's school with it's pupils so hungry to be loved & had... you would find at any given moment & on any given turn of a corner (just out of camera reach of course), women making out like it was their last days to live.

No we're not talking about simple lesbian love of a Death Row inmate here... what I'm speaking of is the worst type of casual lust there is...

The wretchedness of the Jail House Ritual known across campus as the "Gay For The Stay".

Pathetic as it might sound... women who would not otherwise ever even consider being in a homosexual relationship, not just dibbling and dabbling out of curiosity sake, but in full out relationships like pros who've done this type of thing all their lives.

Not for love, nor against their own will.

They do it just to have Something To Do. Or at least the smart ones are doing it for snacks and treats... whom are known as the commissary whores. That's an inmate who would sell-out her integrity in order to be someone's "Bitch" ...just to be taken care of ...due to no outside support from family and friends.

I find it so sad to see. This trend of perpetrating fake Gay life, just because it's the popular thing. For a woman to have a "Wife", is all the rage on campus. I find it sickening to see, not due to any bigotry or homophobia on my part, as
I have a very colorful history myself. However, I find it pathetic that many of these women have no self respect for themselves, that they would be some one whom they are not, just to have "Something To Do", or worst... prostitute them selves out for a .28¢ cent pack of Ramen Soup.

State Corrections has gone to Hell in a Hand Basket of TRIX for COMMISSARY. Please let my judge reconsider my sentence, I have to get out of here... Happy Halloween world!


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